The Misconceptions of Mediumship

The Misconceptions of Mediumship

Mediumship has always seemed to have a taboo attached to it; it did for me. I won’t bore you with that whole story right now, but what I will say is that if you think about it, many people may go their whole life without ever giving a thought to trying to connect with a deceased loved one. It usually is not on anyone’s radar until they lose someone very special. When people experience a great loss, they begin to question everything. Where are they? Are they okay? Can they still feel my love? Is heaven real? What is it like? Will they be there to greet me when I pass?

Even so, they may judge their own emotions, question their beliefs, their religion, and more. I have been there, and so I understand all of the wondering and questioning. The longing to connect one more time can be completely thrilling and intimidating all at the same time. The assumptions around mediumship often make people wary about making connections.

Yet, it is rarely talked about because of that taboo nature I mentioned before. Most people don’t trust trying to have a discussion with someone about such a” woo woo” topic. But I am not afraid to talk about it. So, let’s have some of these conversations, and if you have questions yourself, I hope I can help you gain some clarity.


• Mediums see spirits everywhere they go and all of the time – Ummm, no thank you. First, it may surprise you that I do not see with my eyes open. Spirits, that is. That is a rarity. I made a deal a very long time ago that I would be willing to deliver messages, but I was not comfortable seeing with my eyes open. I am completely comfortable seeing in my mind’s eye, and it works well, so there is no need to see spirits walking around everywhere. Although I am connected and tuned in much of the time, it is important for me to be connected to my physical self and disconnect from the spirit world. It is my opinion that this is the healthiest choice for any medium.

• As a medium, you must have access to all knowledge and information – Again, no. First, how boring would it be if we had all of the answers to everything all of the time? Where would the adventure be? We are all here to learn and grow. That is the earthly experience for all of us. It is the natural process of our soul’s evolution. Our intuition exists for us to stay connected and have access to the divine wisdom of the universe. Although mediums are well-versed in using their intuition, it does not equate to abusing it, intuitively spying on anyone, or picking the winning lotto numbers. Mediums are not all-knowing.

• Mediums are sketchy, scary, or a carnival act – First, I think it is important to say that you should definitely do your research before consulting with a medium. Unfortunately, there are people out there that are operating from a space of negativity or ego and may treat their profession as the above mentioned. This breaks my heart because this can be very damaging. I know that asking friends if they know of a good medium is probably not a normal conversation in most circles. However, most reputable mediums will have a website, social media presence, or some way that you find them that will let you get to know them on some level. Prayerfully look for the one you feel guided to work with. Read testimonials, their history and see what resonates with you and trust that. Mediumship can be extremely healing, and I truly believe there are more honest mediums that are aligned with being of love and service than there are so-called mediums that intend to manipulate or take advantage of you.

• Mediums research you before you come in for a reading – Let me promise you one thing, I do not have the time or the interest to research anyone that schedules a session with me. It actually would make my job harder, not easier. Having a blank slate is the best way to make a strong connection. No preconceived notions. When teaching mediumship, I talk to my students all the time about creating a blank slate to receive information. Clearing everything out of their mind helps them open up to receive validating information. Again, if you are allowing yourself to be guided to the right professional medium, you should not have to worry about their integrity.

• Mediums can control exactly who comes through and the message they bring through – That may sound nice, but again, no. I will tell you that in over 15 plus years of work as a professional medium, it is rare for me not to naturally connect my client with whom they are hoping to hear from, but it is not in my control. I do however, set my intentions to connect with the deceased loved one(s) my client is hoping to hear from. I also open my sessions with prayer in order to create a sacred space and help my clients relax, which helps them open their heart and mind to receive the loving messages from spirit. My goal is to be of love and service to them, and I trust that whatever they are in need of most is what comes through for them. To get the most out of your session with a medium, it is best to go into it with an open heart, set your own intentions of what you are hoping to experience, and then surrender to the process.

• Mediums only talk to dead people – False. Most mediums, including myself, can also connect with spirit guides, guardian angels, archangels, and other members of your spiritual team. For example, I don’t just offer mediumship sessions. Over fifty percent of my clientele schedule with me for Intuitive Spiritual Coaching or Angelic Counseling. They are looking for clarity, guidance, and maybe moving through periods of change or spiritual growth or continuing to move through grief in a healthy way as possible. You might also be surprised how many times your loved ones in spirit may want to help you with your current path and may want to introduce you to the love and support of your angels.

Mediums have always had the “gift” and are born knowing how to use it– Nope, not at all. Although I have been sensitive and aware of energies my whole life, I did not understand the purpose of it all until I was a young adult. Not every medium is born knowing. Most are born wondering. Wondering why they feel different and no one understands them. They wish someone could connect with them in a way that feels familiar. Some people open up to the ability to connect with spirit much later in life after an intense life happening or spiritual awakening or after the birth of a child or a loss. Many people who experience connecting with spirits in some shape or form don’t understand it, trust it or know how to control it. Mediumship can be taught. Some people may engage in learning how to hone their craft, and others may just empower themselves with the knowledge so they know how to control it and turn it off.

I hope this is helpful in understanding a little bit more about what mediumship is all about. That it clears up any confusion or fear and helps you look at mediumship as a healing tool that is there for you if you so feel guided to use it. 

I must say that being a medium has given me the great honor and joy to make beautiful connections for amazing people both here and in spirit. It has allowed me the opportunity to witness time and time again that love is more powerful than death ever could be and that we will never lose the love that was shared here on earth.

It is also important to mention that you do not need a medium to connect with your loved one. They easily receive the love, prayers, and messages you send their way, and they love and support you from the other side too. Look for their signs and trust them. Their love will show up in bright and beautiful ways.

With you on the journey.

Love, Light & Blessings, ❤️


Want to connect on a deeper level?

If this blog has resonated with you or made you even more curious about mediumship and your ability to make connections for yourself you can check out my upcoming Mediumship Made Easy course. 

Learn More Here >

Dealing with Resistance and Jumping Off the Struggle Bus

Dealing with Resistance and Jumping Off the Struggle Bus

For anyone that has followed my work on any level, you already know that my angels are my teammates and I consult with them daily to gain clarity, understanding, wisdom, insights, support, and faith. When I am feeling burdened, I often say I am on the Struggle Bus. But the thing about my association with the struggle bus is that buses are always in motion and they are always stopping to let people on and off. So, when I feel like I am on the struggle bus my goal is to get off as soon as possible and preferably at a fabulous destination. 😊 Now, let me be clear. I am never alone on the struggle bus. My angels joyfully ride with me to keep me company and keep me in check. They offer their divine wisdom as to how to get off the bus and back into my high vibe groove and flow. But lately, I have spent way too much time on the struggle bus.  I was truly beginning to wonder if my bus had some type of unlimited gas supply or something. I mean, why have we not made any stops? And, although I would never hope for another person to struggle, why do I feel so alone on this bus?

Well, if you have been feeling the same way I want to share with you how I work through times of resistance, even when it seems to linger a little too long.

First, you are not alone. 

Second, resistance comes both internally and externally and it is important to look at both.


These are things like your computer failing you at the most inopportune time. The flat tire. The dropped phone calls. The traffic jams. The electricity going out right before your important Zoom meeting or spilling your coffee all down your suit right as you are heading out the door for that important meeting.  Now, I know these things happen in life but what I’m talking about is a feeling that something is working against you. Purposely.


Nothing is worse than knowing what you need to do but lack the desire or motivation to get it done. Or, have the motivation to get it done but struggle with focus, clarity, and direction.

Then there is the lovely doubt. The insecurities and wonderings making us question if what we have to offer really matters. There is the nagging feeling that everything is hard when in truth it is simple when we map out the plan, it just takes gusto.

The body and soul can feel the resistance too. It is not just a mental thing. The sense is like moving through wet concrete. As if something is trying to hold us back with as much strength and might as possible and we are aware we must take control and shift gears before we go down.

So how do we keep our head above it all so that we don’t lose sight of where we are meant to go? How do we get off the Struggle Bus???

Clear the Confusion

– First, ask your spiritual team if you are still on the right path. When resistance shows up it can make us question everything. So, instead of just assuming that the resistance is a roadblock telling you that you are headed in the wrong direction, ask. Gaining clarity in these moments is of utmost importance because otherwise, we get distracted, frustrated and then can become stuck.

Dig In

– If the above action lets you know you need to go a different direction, great! You now know what to do. But if you have validated that you are on the right track, you know you have to stay focused and dig in. Be persistent regardless of the resistance. I know, I know. This is easier said than done. But now is the time to stand your ground and be unwavering in your trust and faith.

Uncover the Resistance

– Understanding where your resistance is coming from can be very enlightening and empowering. I want you to remember that when we have committed to making big changes it is completely normal to feel resistance. It is as if your old self and your ego team up against you because all they want is for you to stay in that place you’ve always been. There used to be a saying that said, ” The bigger the purpose the bigger the fear.” Well, I say, the stronger the resistance the greater the potential. You are here to live to your fullest potential, so, start asking yourself these questions?

Regardless of these obstacles, should I still be moving forward?

What will my reward be for not giving up?

If I do nothing and give up now, how will I feel tomorrow?

Are my goals more important than the discomfort I feel right now?

What help can I call on to move through this resistance?

How can I break up my action steps, so I feel less overwhelmed?

What choice and decision will honor my highest self?

You know yourself better than anyone and your honesty here is important. Often, when we uncover the true answers to these questions the resistance begins to loosen its grip. Acknowledgment is a power move that provides wisdom.

Now let’s talk about those angels that ride with me on the struggle bus. Who can you call on to help you gain momentum and stride again? Better yet, help you deflect all of that resistance like a superhero.

Here are my go-to spiritual helpers when resistance is my issue:

Archangel Uriel Helpful in getting my priorities straight and my mind clear and focused

Archangel Metatron For helping to clear self-sabotaging ways, overwhelm and procrastination

Archangel Raziel To help me remember who I am and what my connection to source/creator is

Archangel Ariel To stand in courage, conviction and lovingly claim my power

Archangel Jophiel To keep my thoughts positive and in alignment with my truth

Archangel Michael To protect me from any negative forces, including myself

It is super easy to call on your angels for help! You don’t even have to remember their names.

Just simply say “angels help” and they are with you and ready to assist!

Remember, the resistance does not last forever. There must be big positive changes on the horizon, so keep pushing forward! And, if I happen to see you on the struggle bus, I’ll give you a fist bump and a wink, so you know you are not alone.

Love and solidarity,
