What the Angels Say the 7 Must Do Things Are For The Year Ahead !!

What the Angels Say the 7 Must Do Things Are For The Year Ahead !!

Experience & Appreciate your OWN Divinity
This means spending more time with yourself. Through conscious intention, understanding and awakening the divine energy within helps you to stay connected to your highest self. It is easy to get distracted with life and worldly things, however, staying dedicated and committed to a practice that allows you to experience your own divinity will keep you anchored in your truth and power, and will benefit every other area of your life in extremely positive ways.

Slow Down
Consistency is key this year NOT speed. Do not rush making decisions. Instead, sit with your thoughts and most important gather the help from your angels and your spiritual team so that you feel certain in the choices you choose for yourself and the action steps you are guided to make. Be present and enjoy the journey and the process. Remember life is about living and that means every moment not just rushing to meet a goal. Peace, happiness and joy should be experienced along the way and this is truly possible. So, let go of resistance and the need to control every moment and allow blessings and miracles to pop up and surprise and delight you.

Get to Know & Understand your Energy Better
You will move through your days with much more purpose, ease and grace if you get to know your energy better. Learning to stay grounded, connected and in your power will change your life drastically for the better. You will no longer feel as distracted, fatigued, scattered or worn out once you learn how to navigate your energy and communicate with your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. They can tell you exactly what you need and what is going on so that you can utilize that knowledge to improve the way you feel and operate on a day-to-day basis.

Expect LOVE to show up for You
You are love. At the core of your being this is who you are and what you are here to experience. It is time to see love in everyday things and first and foremost to step up your game in loving yourself wholly and completely. You can do this! It is the very best investment you can ever make and too is a game changer once you begin to get into the rhythm of the flow of love. Witness it. Be it. Receive it. This is your call to action.

Random Acts of Kindness
Our world has been hurting for a while now and we all know there are so many needs that can be filled with just the simplest of gestures. This year is about finding new ways to be a blessing to others. Now let me preface this by saying taking care of yourself and your needs first is a must. I know that many of you already are in the habit of giving way more than you will ever allow yourself to receive and this is not what this is about. As a matter of fact, I urge you to look at areas you have been investing in others that may not be working and instead sprinkle some love and support in some new and unexpected places. Don’t worry. All you have to do is ask your angels to show you the way and they will.

Take Care of Your Vessel
We have all been born with a physical body to carry us through this lifetime. Take care of it. Listen to what it tells you and give it what it needs. If that is a healthier eating plan and more exercise, great! But it may simply be taking deep healing breaths each day, better sleeping habits, time spent in nature, adding some vitamins and minerals or committing to that annual physical. And while you are at it send some love to every cell of your being. It has served you well thus far, and we want to empower our bodies and thank it for allowing us to see, smell, touch, walk, talk.

Joyful Appreciation, Anticipation and Expectation
The feelings of bliss and joy are some of the highest vibrating emotions. Getting into these feelings changes your vision, your outlook and your overall demeanor. With everything you do and experience try your best to show joyful appreciation. With everything you dream and hope for feel joyful anticipation. Take it one step further and experience true joyful expectations. Expectation that everything you desire is already on its way to you. Don’t think about the how or when. Just think about how exciting it is that everything is working out for your highest good and every outcome is exceeding your expectations. May sound silly, but boy does it work!!

Remember, the angels are divine, wise, loving beings. Trust their wisdom. Know that their love for you encourages you not only to be your best self but they want you to experience your life in the most beautiful,  joyful and loving ways. Whatever your goals are for the year, know that incorporating this sage advice will help you stay the course and experience this year staying connecting to your truth and power.

Wishing you all the best in the year ahead!

Heather and The Angels

The Angel’s Advice on Dealing with Overwhelm

The Angel’s Advice on Dealing with Overwhelm

I’m no stranger to feeling overwhelmed.

I think we often tend to judge ourselves when we feel overwhelmed because we feel we should know better, do better and just never get ourselves in a situation to feel that emotion. But regardless of how spiritual you might be, it is important to remember that we are human.

Our emotions are a gauge of where we are currently and they offer us wisdom as to how to shift or tweak our focus in order to stay in alignment with where we desire to be.  The angels had some very clear advice for a client recently that I thought would be helpful to share with you all.

(And yes, I asked my client’s permission to share)

Here is what the angels had to say:

First things first.

What is overwhelming you?

Is it one thing? Two things? Three things? More?

Take a moment and write it all down.

You may notice that in doing so, some of those things lose importance and no longer feel like a priority to be listed.

Now, look at your list and ask yourself these things:

  • Is this my personal overwhelm or something I have picked up from someone else? – If this is a stressor or emotion you have picked up from others, release that now. Simply ask the angels to release any heavy, negative, or unhealthy emotions you have picked up from others.
  • Do I have any control over this situation that is causing me to feel overwhelmed? – If so, jot down some things that you could personally do to change the situation in a positive way.
  • Out of the things I could personally do to release this overwhelm and shift this situation in a positive way, what would be most productive for me at this time? – Ask the angels to help you discern where your energy is best spent at this moment for the situation.
  • Lastly, out of everything on my list, is there one thing that needs my attention first? – This will help you come up with a game plan and focus your attention in a productive manner.

The angels say that much of our overwhelm begins in our emotional and mental bodies. Before taking any physical action steps it is important to get ourselves really centered and grounded so that when we begin our action steps, we are very present, aware, and committed to our desired outcomes.

If we fall back into the feeling of overwhelm, we need to STOP, take some deep breaths and regain our focus before moving forward. We don’t want to carry heavy energy with us as work toward our goals. That feels very disempowering. I know that taking some deep breaths might not sound very helpful. But, honestly, it is a very quick, easy, and effective way to call us back to our center, connect with our spiritual helpers and regain some clarity.

Remember, ask your spiritual team to help you :

  • Amp up your faith
  • Remember what is truly important
  • Stand in your power
  • Center yourself in Love
  • Align your thoughts with your dreams and desires
  • Release all negative thought forms
  • Stay grounded with Mother Earth
  • Keep a strong connection with your own intuition

As always, your angels want you to know you are never alone. They are eager to support you in every way possible and are cheering you on from the other side!

Much Love,

    Needing spiritual guidance?  You can book an angel reading here.